Make Every Guest Feel Special With Custom Medals For Your Holiday Office Party

I have always been one of those people who absolutely loves to shop, which is why I started focusing on saving money. Although it might seem counter-intuitive, having a focus on shopping really helped me to save money so that I could get out there and hit the sales a little more. I wanted to spread this love for retail throughout the entire world, so I decided to make this blog. Check out these helpful posts for saving money, living better, and enjoying new products that you will cherish. I know that many of these tips have helped me, and I know they can help you too.

Make Every Guest Feel Special With Custom Medals For Your Holiday Office Party

11 November 2018
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

You have the plan in place, the office invites are sent, and yet another holiday office party is marked on the calendar. This year, you really want to make sure everyone involved has an amazing time. You plan all kinds of fun games, hire some entertainment, and even hire a catering company to serve great food. However, there is one little thing you can do to make sure your next office party goes down in the books as one of the most memorable in history: pick up some custom medals for your guests. Take a look at some of the fun ways you can incorporate custom medals into your holiday party and make it even more memorable. 

Pick up custom medals to hand out as prizes. 

There are a lot of games that you can play at the typical holiday office party, and the prizes involved can be anything from cash to little gifts you picked up at the dollar store. Why not make the winner feel even more special by handing them over a medal for their achievement? For example, if you have a pudding eating contest planned, pick up a custom medal engraved with "Top Pudding Eater" across the front just for fun. 

Hand out custom medals for special personalities among your staff members. 

Every workplace has certain types of people in it. You have the busybody who knows something about everyone and is more of a social butterfly than anything. You probably have the office nerd who can look the part of Clark Kent without even trying. You may even have your very own office "mother" who makes sure everyone has what they need to be okay through the workday. Grab a dozen or so custom medals with special engravings on them for these people, and make an event out of handing out the awards to the most well-deserving staff members.

Use medals to recognize the hardest workers of the year. 

The holidays come around at the end of the year, so it is a good time to take a look at which employees have been the most productive, helpful, or knowledgeable and deserve to be rewarded for their efforts. If there are certain employees who deserve recognition for all their hard work through the year, why not rightly reward them with a custom-made medal they can proudly display at their office desk for the rest of the staff to see?

For more ideas, contact a company like AAA Award today.